San Joaquin Drug Crimes Defense Attorney
Criminal charges on drug-related offenses can change someone’s life overnight. In the short-term, they may face unfortunate prejudgment by those close to them. And if the District Attorney’s office presses ahead the case, defendants face jail time, hefty fines, and a criminal record trailing them around even after a sentence has been served. An experienced San Joaquin drug crimes lawyer, one who understands the justice system operates and where the pressure points are—can be a valuable ally to the defendant at this critical point in their life.
From our San Joaquin office, Krueger Legal serves clients in all of Fresno, Sacramento, and Stanislaus counties. With over 10 years of experience in criminal law, we want to lead the fight for your reputation, your record, and your personal freedom.
Call us at (209) 565-0750 or reach out online today. Free consultations and payment plans.
Understanding Drug Crimes in California
Drug charges can come in a variety of ways. They will generally fall into one of the following categories:
- Possession: Simply put, this is when illegal drugs are found with a person. Although not all possession cases can be put as simply as that. There is also constructive possession, which means that the drugs were not necessarily on the person of the defendant, but allegedly within their control. Or joint possession might apply if drugs are found in a home shared with someone else.
- Possession of Paraphernalia: There are certain objects, not illegal in themselves, that may be modified in a way that indicates they were for drug use. Pipes and syringes are a prime example of this.
- Possession with Intent to Distribute: More serious charges can be brought if authorities believe the purpose of the defendant’s drug possession was to sell the illegal substances. The evidence for intent to sell can be based on the raw quantities of the drugs found—if it seems like too much for any reasonable person to believe that it was intended for personal use. Evidence for intent might also include the way drugs are cut and packaged, along with communications with buyers indicating the intent.
- Sale of Illegal Substances: If the authorities are able to prove the defendant actually did sell the drugs (not simply that they intended to), these charges may be filed.

"Thanks to Phil, the truth was revealed, and justice was realized."
- G.W.